Cubital Tunnel Release
Dr Maguire treats moderate and severe cases of cubital tunnel syndrome (ulnar nerve compression at the elbow) surgically.
Endoscopic Cubital Tunnel Release is a “Key Hole” Technique which allows decompression of the ulnar nerve from mid arm to mid forearm via a small 2 cm incision. This technique allows a complete release of the nerve without a large incision. Dr Maguire rarely performs transposition of the nerve as this technique may devascularise the nerve.
The procedure is performed under general or local anaesthesia.

Endoscopic instruments allow a “minimally invasive” or “key hole” cubital tunnel release to be performed.

The speculum, optical dissector and endoscope (telescope) pictured above allow a magnified view of the dissection of the ulna nerve along it’s entire course from mid arm to mid forearm, allowing a “complete” and safe decompression via a minimal incision.

Once the procedure is complete bleeding is controlled or a drain is placed into the wound. The drain is either removed before discharge or the following day in the rooms.