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How to find us

The clinic is located in Building A of the Southport Central complex. There are 3 high-rise towers in the complex called Tower 1, Tower 2 and Tower 3. The clinic is not located in these towers but in a separate 4-story white building known as Building A (It is signed on the building as “1 Lawson” and “One Lawson Street”).

The lifts to “One Lawson Street” or Building A can be accessed via the underground car park, the entrance of which is located at 5 Lawson Street. You may park your car in a commercial or retail car space and follow the Blue Line on the ground to the Building A lift. You must walk past a security grill to find this car park lift entrance. Turn to the right after the grill and look for the signs saying “1 Lawson Street Lobby”.

Alternatively, another way to find “One Lawson Street” or Building A is to come up to the street level and walk to 1 Lawson Street on the footpath. The entrance to the building from the street is located next door to “Mean Beans” Cafe / Restaurant. Another landmark for Building A 1 Lawson is the Southport RSL Club diagonally across the road.

If you have trouble finding us call the office on 07 5531 2222 or the practice mobile on 0488 565 678 and our friendly staff will guide you in.