PRP Therapy
PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma is a good alternative to surgery in selected orthopaedic conditions. Problems such as rotator cuff tendinosis or partial thickness rotator cuff tears, tennis elbow or common extensor tendinosis or tears are are examples of conditions amenable to PRP injection. All injections are performed under ultrasound guidance to improve the accuracy of the injection.
Dr Maguire uses a novel PRP system from Ycellbio which allows more reliable PRP samples to be extracted from the patients blood.

What is PRP?
PRP is the abbreviation of Platelet Rich Plasma, which means platelet concentrated plasma.
When blood is placed in a centrifuge it separates into erythrocytes (Red Blood Cells), WBCs (White Blood Cells), platelets and plasma. Among the centrifuged plasma, growth factor-rich plasma that contains more than a 1,000,000/μl platelet count is referred to as PRP.

Role of Platelets
The alpha granules of platelets contain not only the growth factors that assist in hemostasis or tissue healing such as PDGF, TGF, PDAF, PDEGF, EGF, TNF, LDGF, FGF and CTGF but also proteins that influence cell adhesion such as Fibrin, Fibronectin, Vitronectin. The generation of new blood vessels and fibrous tissue as well as collagen is stimulated by growth factors which facilitate the regeneration of epithelial cells and enhance wound healing.

High Concentration (7 to 9 times)
The concentration of PRP extracted using the Y-cellbio PRP kit is 7 to 9 times greater than that of platelet concentration in the blood before centrifugation.
PRP Extraction available only with 15㎖ of blood
The important thing when extracting PRP is not the amount of blood but the PRP concentration. The Y-cellbio PRP Kit can extract high concentrations of PRP containing more than 1,500,000/㎕ of platelet from 15㎖ of blood.
Easy to Use
Pure PRP with almost no RBC can be easily extracted using the kit thanks to the tornado method (Injection of PRP may cause pain to the patient if the PRP injected contains a relatively a large amount of RBC).
All types of centrifuges can be used
Y-cellbio PRP Kit is the world’s first 15㎖ PRP kit and is compatible with all types of centrifuges.
Creative and Scientific ” Y ” Design
· Y-CELLBIO KIT optimal to platelet separation and concentration!
① Safety Wings:
4 alar plates that prop up the upper part of the kit ensures accurate extraction
of the buffy coat.
② Slim Neck:
The clear display of buffy coat on the slim and transparent neck of the kit helps operator perform extraction easily and efficiently.
③ RBC Adjustment Lever:
The height of RBC after centrifugation can be adjusted at your command.