ORIF of Distal Radius Fractures
Fixation (ORIF) of Distal Radius Fracture
Post Op Protocol
– Patient will present with stitches intact. Steri-strips may be used for protection of suture line
– Fabrication of THERMOPLASTIC volar EXTENSION wrist splint to be worn at all times except during exercise
– Patient to perform wrist, digit and forearm AROM exercises for 10 repetitions 4-5 times per day
– Initiate edema management as needed, including edema gloves, tensogrip sleeves, ice and elevation
In hospital ICE / cryo-cuff every 2-3 hours
– Do not put up with pain
– If no contraindications use this pain relief regime
– PCA overnight then change to the following in am:
– Paracetamol 1gram four times a day
– Ibuprofen 400mg three times a day
– 10 to 20 mg of TARGIN (Oxycontin) twice a day
– 5-10 mg of Endone as required up to 3 hourly
– Ensure Fluid intake and bowel softening agents
– Prevent constipation from Endone/Targin by taking regular fibre +/- Coloxyl or Similar Bowel Softening agent
– Drink plenty of fluids
– Sutures removed approximately day 10 if not dissolving (if no suture material visible stitch is dissolving)
– Initiate scar management including scar molds and scar massage with Bio-Oil or Vitamin E cream/oil
– Continue exercises above
– Wean off Targin and Endone after first week
– No sling required
– Continue AROM exercise to wrist and forearm; digits PRN
– Initiate AAROM (Assisted Active Range of Motion) exercises to wrist and forearm; digit ROM PRN
– Pending pain and edema, patient may remove splint and use affected upper extremity during gentle ADL’s
– Wean analgesia to regular Paracetamol only 2 tablets (1 gram) four times a day
– Stop ibuprofen as may retard bone healing
– Endone PRN or Tramadol PRN or Panadeine Forte in place of Paracetomol
– Use warmth or heat before exercises and cold therapy (ICE) after exercise
– Initiate gentle strengthening with theraputty and a 1 kg weight for wrist extension/flexion
– Initiate isolated wrist extension exercises (digits in flexion, i.e. holding a pencil)
– Continue scar and edema management
– Continue A/AAROM exercises
– Progress to gentle PROM if needed
– Patient to continue wearing splint for protection during involved or strenuous activities and at night
– Use warmth or heat before exercises and cold therapy (ICE) after exercise
– Progress wrist extension/ flexion strength and resistance work as tolerated up to 5 kg
– No axial loading
– Upgrade home program as needed
– Continue splint for protected activities and at night.
– May start hydro or gentle swimming
– Use warmth or heat before exercises and cold therapy (ICE) after exercise
– Discontinue splint
– Progress wrist extension/ flexion strengthening with no restrictions
– Initiate gentle wrist loading
– Continue scar management, range of motion, and modalities as needed
– Use warmth or heat before exercises and cold therapy (ICE) after exercise
– Patient may resume normal activities as tolerated as early as 6 weeks post-op.
– Younger/athletic patients may progress at an even faster rate than stated above.
– Elderly patients may progress at a slower pace than stated above.
– Joint mobilizations may be utilized pending patient tolerance and fracture healing.